Xamarin.Tip – Mvvm Light and Dependency Injection

Inversion of Control and Dependency Injection are some design principles that help make our applications more flexible and scalable. They both help us separate our implementations and make it easy to substitute drastic changes to our implemented data or business logic whether it be for writing unit tests or product improvement.

Xamarin is a platform where IoC and DI fit extremely well. I’ve talked about this concept a few other times in both my blogs and videos about the Onion Architecture in Xamarin as well as how to call Platform Specific code from a Portable Class Library. You can find those posts and videos here:

  1. Onionizing Xamarin Part 6
  2. [VIDEO] Xamarin.Tips: Calling Platform-Specific Code from a PCL (Dependency Injection)

In this post, I want to talk about using DI with Mvvm Light at a VERY basic level.

First, let’s define an interface for a service we might use:


public interface IUserService
    Task<User> GetCurrentUserAsync();

Now let’s create two different implementations. One that will be the service used in the application and the other that will be used for testing.


public class UserService : IUserService
    // makes a call to a web api to get a user
    public async Task<User> GetCurrentUserAsync()
        using (var client = new HttpClient())
            var response = await client.GetAsync("https://mywebapi.mydomain/api/currentuser");
            var content = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
            return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<User>(content);


public class TestUserService : IUserService
    public Task<User> GetCurrentUserAsync()
        return Task.FromResult(new User { Name = "Test User" });

Now we need a ViewModel that will use this service. We define a private readonly IUserService and then inject the implementation that we want in the constructor of the ViewModel.


public class CurrentUserViewModel : ViewModelBase
    // use the interface as the service and inject the implementation in the constructur
    private readonly IUserService _userService;
    private User _user;

    public User User
            return _user;
            Set(ref _user, value);

    public CurrentUserViewModel(IUserService userService)
        _userService = userService;

    public async Task UpdateUserAsync()
        User = await _userService.GetCurrentUserAsync();

Now let’s define an IoCConfig that handles registering dependencies and implementations.


public class IoCConfig
    public IoCConfig()
        // use SimpleIoc from MvvmLight as our locator provider
        ServiceLocator.SetLocatorProvider(() => SimpleIoc.Default);

    // register the real implementation
    public void RegisterServices()
        SimpleIoc.Default.Register<IUserService, UserService>();

    // register the test implementation
    public void RegisterTestServices()
        SimpleIoc.Default.Register<IUserService, TestUserService>();

    // register the view model
    public void RegisterViewModels()

Now that we can register our Services as well as our ViewModels, the dependency resolver from SimpleIoc can retrieve an instance of CurrentUserViewModel with whichever version of IUserService is registered depending on whether we call RegisterServices or RegisterTestServices.

Now we can retrieve our instance of the CurrentUserViewModel by calling

var currentUserViewModel = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<CurrentUserViewModel>();

MvvmLight recommends using a ViewModelLocator to get the instance of your ViewModels:


public class ViewModelLocator
    private readonly IoCConfig _iocConfig;
    public CurrentUserViewModel CurrentUser
            return ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<CurrentUserViewModel>();

    public ViewModelLocator()
        _iocConfig = new IoCConfig();


It’s recommended to either create your ViewModelLocator at the app start up, or if you’re using Xamarin.Forms, register it as a Resource in your App.xaml

<Application ...     xmlns:locator="clr-namespace:YOUR_LOCATOR_LOCATION">
            <locator:ViewModelLocator x:Key="Locator"/>

Now in your XAML pages, you can automatically wire up your view model.


<ContentPage ...     BindingContext="{Binding Source={StaticResource Locator}, Path=CurrentUser}"     Title="{Binding User.Name}">

In order to change to your testing data, you can just switch which call to your IoCConfig is made for registering your dependency without having to make any changes to any of your other layers or UI!

If you like what you see, don’t forget to follow me on twitter @Suave_Pirate, check out my GitHub, and subscribe to my blog to learn more mobile developer tips and tricks!

Interested in sponsoring developer content? Message @Suave_Pirate on twitter for details.

Xamarin.Tip – MvvmLight Code Snippets for Visual Studio for Mac

I previously made a post about some Mvvm Light shortcuts / code snippets in Visual Studio, but what about Visual Studio for Mac?

Code snippets in Visual Studio for Mac work a little differently, but here is how to add your own:

  1. Go to Visual Studio > Preferences > Text Editor > Code Snippets
  2. Click on the Add button
  3. Set the language for your snippet, the shortcut, and other optional options
  4. Write the template for your snippet
  5. Confirm and use

Here are two easy ones that have made my life easier for a Bindable Property and Relay Command:


private $type$ $fieldName$;

public $type$ $name$
        return $fieldName$;
        Set(() => $name$, ref $fieldName$, value);

Screen Shot 2017-05-25 at 4.38.45 PM


private ICommand $fieldName$;

public ICommand $name$ => $fieldName$ ??
    ($fieldName$ = new RelayCommand(() => ));

Screen Shot 2017-05-25 at 4.39.19 PM.png

It’s as easy as that. Now go out there and start writing less code!

If you like what you see, don’t forget to follow me on twitter @Suave_Pirate, check out my GitHub, and subscribe to my blog to learn more mobile developer tips and tricks!

Interested in sponsoring developer content? Message @Suave_Pirate on twitter for details.

Xamarin.Tip – Binding a Picker to an Enum

So a recent Xamarin.Forms update released the new Bindable Picker, which allows you to bind an IList of objects to the picker (which will be ToString()‘ed). However, I’ve often find myself needing to create a form for a model that has enum properties. Previously, in order to do this, I would have to create a custom List or string from my enum and map it manually, then read from the SelectedItem bound to another string property, then when I need the actual value I’d have to map it back to the enum it “represents”.

It might have looked something like this:


private DogBreed _breedEnum; // this is our enum of: BorderCollie, LabradorRetriever, PitBull, etc.

public List<string> BreedNames
        return new List<string> { "Border Collie", "Labrador Retriever", "Pit Bull" };

private string _selectedBreed;
public string SelectedBreed
        return _selectedBreed;
        Set(ref _selectedBreed, value); // this is using MvvmLight

public void DoSomethingWithTheBreed()
        case "Border Collie": _breedEnum = DogBreed.BorderCollie;
        case "Labrador Retriever": _breedEnum = DogBreed.LabradorRetriever;
        case "Pit Bull": _breedEnum = DogBreed.PitBull;


And our XAML

<Picker ItemsSource="{Binding BreedNames}" SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedBreed}"/>

As you can see, this is pretty gross…

Here’s a quick little strategy I use to make the binding process a little easier with my enums. It’s broken into just 3 quick parts:

  1. Create a extension methods to get a readable string from our `enum`
  2. Create a `Converter` to convert the `SelectedIndex` to the `enum` field
  3. Wire up the fields and XAML

Let’s create our enum extension methods to get a readable string for the UI:

    public static class StringExtensions
        public static string SplitCamelCase(this string str)
            return Regex.Replace(
                    "$1 $2"
                "$1 $2"

This SplitCamelCase method will take a string that is camel cased and split it out into separate words such as `”ThisIsMyValue”.SplitCamelCase(); // “This Is My Value”

Now that we have the ability to get a readable string from the enum values, let’s create our ViewModel properties we will need.


private DogBreed _selectedBreed;
public DogBreed SelectedBreed
        return _selectedBreed;
        Set(ref _selectedBreed, value);

public List<string> BreedNames
        return Enum.GetNames(typeof(DogBreed)).Select(b => b.SplitCamelCase()).ToList();

public void DoSomethingWithBreed()

So much cleaner already. Now we need to create a Converter that our XAML can use to actually set the SelectedBreed property of our ViewModel.


    public class IntEnumConverter : IValueConverter
        public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
            if (value is Enum)
                return (int)value;
            return 0;

        public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
            if(value is int)
                return Enum.ToObject(targetType, value);
            return 0;

Last thing to do is use our IntEnumConverter and our properties to create our view in XAML:


        <converters:IntEnumConverter x:Key="IntEnum"/>
<Picker ItemsSource="{Binding BreedNames}" SelectedIndex="{Binding SelectedBreed, Converter=IntEnum}"/>

Here’s what we have!

Now you have the means to bind any of your Pickers quite easily to any of your custom enum fields!

“Woah! How did you get that Material Design Looking Picker on iOS”… Stay tuned!

If you like what you see, don’t forget to follow me on twitter @Suave_Pirate, check out my GitHub, and subscribe to my blog to learn more mobile developer tips and tricks!

Interested in sponsoring developer content? Message @Suave_Pirate on twitter for details.

Xamarin.Tips – MVVM Light Set Expressions Explained

I recently published a post about creating some Visual Studio code snippets for shorcutting the overhead of writing bindable properties and commands with MvvmLight. Xamarin.Tips – Visual Studio Code Templates/Snippets for MVVM Light

This post sparked some people who may or may not have used  Mvvm Light in the past to ask me about how it works underneath, and specifically the Set call made. For example:

private string _myText;

public string MyText
        return _myText;
        // This is where the questions are.
        Set(() => MyText, ref _myText, value);

I figured I would make another post to dissect this and explain what it is and how it is used!

First off, why are we doing this at all? What does this really do for us?

We use MvvmLight in order to create two-way or one-way bindings to our views whether that is in WPF, UWP, or Xamarin.Forms. The way these bindings are handled is by implementing INotifyPropertyChanged. When we implement INotifyPropertyChanged, we create a public event called PropertyChanged. PropertyChanged takes a custom EventArgs that includes the name of the property that was changed as a string. You would invoke that like this:

PropertyChanged?.Invoke(new PropertyChangedEventArgs("MyText"));

We can then have an event handler attached to this:

myViewModel.PropertyChanged += (sender, args) =>
    Console.WriteLine(args.PropertyName); // "MyText"

However, platforms such as WPF, UWP, and Xamarin give us the ability to use XAML to create these bindings like this (in Xamarin.Forms):

<Label Text="{Binding MyText}"/>

Setting bindings like this creates event handlers in the background if the BindingContext (or DataContext if you’re in UWP/WPF) implements INotifyPropertyChanged.

So now we can create auto-updating views with our bindings and calling PropertyChanged, but that’s a pain to do for every single property. That’s where libraries like MvvmLight come into play. They help handle a lot of the manual calls and ugly code. So now let’s look at what MvvmLight is really doing under the covers.

First, we need to look at the ViewModelBase class that MvvmLight ships and that contains the Set method we are talking about. ViewModelBase inherits from ObservableObject (another class MvvmLight), and ObservableObject is what is implementing INotifyPropertyChanged! We found it!

So how are ViewModelBase.Set and ObservableObject.Set making their way to calling PropertyChanged?

Let’s dissect the three parameters for the Set method used in the templates I created:

Set(() => MyText, ref _myText, value);
  1. The first is of type Expression<Func>. It is an expression that is returning the property that is calling it? This is where the fun stuff is really happening, so more on that later.
  2. The second is the underlying field that needs to be updated, passed in as a reference type rather than by value.
  3. The third is the new value that it is being set to.

The last two seem to make sense right away: what field are we updating, and what is the value we are setting it to? We need to pass the field in as a ref so that when we update it, it updates in the original model that passed it in rather than simply passing the value of the field into the method.

So what is that Expression?

The only thing left in order to call PropertyChanged is the name of the property being updated, so that must be what the property expression is for. Without decompiling the MvvmLight dlls and looking at the source code, we can infer how we might be able to pull the property name out of that Expression.

First, we need to get the Body of the Expression as a System.Linq.Expression.MemberExpression. The MemberExpression has a Member property which we can then pull property info from. We can cast that Member as a System.Reflection.PropertyInfo, and with that PropertyInfo, we can take the name of the property.

Expression<Func<string>> myTextExpression = () => MyText;
var body = myTextExpression.Body as MemberExpression;
var member = body.Member as PropertyInfo;
var finalPropertyName = member.Name; // we have it!

Then the final step is to finally invoke PropertyChanged with that property name.

I do also want to point out that although I use this particular Set method from MvvmLight, the ObservableObject and ViewModelBase do come with multiple overloads of Set that might work better for your preferred practices. For example, you can call Set without the property expression, and just pass the name of the property in directly. For example:

private string _myText;

public string MyText
        return _myText;
        Set("MyText", ref _myText, value); 

OR to be even more optimized, you can use nameof to get the name of the property without having to have string-literals floating around in your code:

private string _myText;

public string MyText
        return _myText;
        Set(nameof(MyText), ref _myText, value); 

Here are all the overloads available to use:


protected bool Set<T>(Expression<Func<T>> propertyExpression, ref T field, T newValue, bool broadcast);
protected bool Set<T>(string propertyName, ref T field, T newValue = default(T), bool broadcast = false);
protected bool Set<T>(ref T field, T newValue = default(T), bool broadcast = false, [CallerMemberName] string propertyName = null);


protected bool Set<T>(Expression<Func<T>> propertyExpression, ref T field, T newValue);
protected bool Set<T>(string propertyName, ref T field, T newValue);
protected bool Set<T>(ref T field, T newValue, [CallerMemberName] string propertyName = null);

If you happen to have any other questions about how this works, or about breaking down Expressions like we did, feel free to drop a comment on this post, or mention me on Twitter @Suave_Pirate.

And as always:

If you like what you see, don’t forget to follow me on twitter @Suave_Pirate, check out my GitHub, and subscribe to my blog to learn more mobile developer tips and tricks!

Interested in sponsoring your developer content? Message me on twitter @Suave_Pirate for details.

Xamarin.Tips – Visual Studio Code Templates/Snippets for MVVM Light

This is a short set of freebies. If you use MVVM Light in your Xamarin or Windows projects, this will save you loads of time. I’ve created a few short cuts for Visual Studio to generate code templates for your ViewModels!

If you aren’t using things like prop or ctor, then you should be! Why write out all that code when you don’t have to!

Take these snippets, and install them into your VS instance. There is documentation here on how to do this: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms165394.aspx.

For those of you who are not aware of the pain of creating large ViewModel classes, this is what an ordinary property might look like:

private string _myText;
public string MyText
        return _myText;
        Set(() => MyText, ref _myText, value);

And then setting up a Command:

private ICommand _myCommand;
public ICommand MyCommand
        return _myCommand ?? (_myCommand = new RelayCommand(() => { ... }));

So let’s look at some templates. I have a repo up here where I’ve added the two we will talk about here, but I’d love to see more in there!

First, the bindable property:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<CodeSnippets  xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/2005/CodeSnippet">
	<CodeSnippet Format="1.0.0">
			<Description>Code snippet for an automatically implemented bindable property
Language Version: C# 3.0 or higher</Description>
			<Author>Microsoft Corporation</Author>
					<ToolTip>Property type</ToolTip>
					<ToolTip>Property name</ToolTip>
					<ToolTip>Field name</ToolTip>
			<Code Language="csharp"><![CDATA[private $type$ $field$;

	public $type$ $property$
			return $field$;
			Set(() => $property$, ref $field$, value);

So now we can type propb > Tab > Tab and get our template going!

And then of course for our RelayCommand:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<CodeSnippets  xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/2005/CodeSnippet">
	<CodeSnippet Format="1.0.0">
			<Description>Code snippet for an automatically implemented relay command
Language Version: C# 3.0 or higher</Description>
			<Author>Microsoft Corporation</Author>
					<ToolTip>Property name</ToolTip>
					<ToolTip>Field name</ToolTip>
			<Code Language="csharp"><![CDATA[private ICommand $field$;

	public ICommand $property$
			return $field$ ??
				($field$ = new RelayCommand(() => { $end$ }));

The shortcut for this is rcmd > Tab > Tab, and we have our neat little RelayCommand that even brings our cursor back to inside the RelayCommand where we can continue to write out our logic.

Now go out there and write less code faster!

If you like what you see, don’t forget to follow me on twitter @Suave_Pirate, check out my GitHub, and subscribe to my blog to learn more mobile developer tips and tricks!

Onionizing Xamarin Part 6

For those who just want code: https://github.com/SuavePirate/Xamarin.Onion 

Don’t forget:

  1. Part 1 on the general project structure: Onionizing Xamarin Part 1
  2. Part 2 on our Domain and Application layers: Onionizing Xamarin Part 2
  3. Part 3 on our Infrastructure layer: Onionizing Xamarin Part 3
  4. Part 4 on our Client layer and Xamarin.Forms implementation: Onionizing Xamarin Part 4
  5. Part 5 on creating custom Platform specific logic: Onionizing Xamarin Part 5

A strong and scale-able architecture is important in applications, especially in Mobile Apps. APIs and SDKs are constantly changing, new technology is constantly released, and team sizes are always changing. A solid Onion Architecture can save a development team a lot of time by making it simple to change service implementations, restrict access to certain areas, making logic flow easy to follow, and making testing isolated blocks of code easier.

Some of the important topics this will cover:

  • Separation of Concerns
  • Inversion of Control
  • Dependency Injection
  • Model-View-ViewModel
  • Testability
  • Why all these things are important

Part 6

In this section, we will talk briefly about building useful tests for our solution, and why the Onion pattern makes it easy to break tests out into individual layers.

In this example, we will add a test project whose purpose it to just test the Business layer within our Infrastructure.


Let’s start with by adding a nUnit project to our solution, or by adding the nuget package to a class library. Xamarin has great documentation on this: https://developer.xamarin.com/guides/cross-platform/application_fundamentals/installing-nunit-using-nuget/

In our project, we also want to install MvvmLight, just like in our Client and Platform layers. We will also need to add references to our Domain.Models, Domain.Interfaces, Application.Models, Application.Interfaces, and Infrastructure.Business projects.

In order to test our Infrastructure.Business project, we will need to create mock versions of our Data project. In our test project, we can create Repository implementations with mock data for each set that we need. For example:


public class MockGenericRepository : IGenericRepository
    private List _data;
    public MockGenericRepository()
        _data = new List();

    public void Add(T entity)

    public void AddRange(IEnumerable entities)

    public Task CommitAsync()
        return Task.FromResult(false); // we don't need to explicitly save changes

    public Task FindAsync(Func<T, bool> predicate)
        var entity =_data.Where(predicate).FirstOrDefault();
        return Task.FromResult(entity);

    public Task<IEnumerable> GetAsync(Func<T, bool> predicate)
        var entities =_data?.Where(predicate);
        return Task.FromResult(entities);

    public void Remove(T entity)

and MockUserRepository.cs

public class MockUserRepository : MockGenericRepository, IUserRepository
    public MockUserRepository()
    : base()

Now that we have some mock implementations, we can set up our tests against our Business logic.


public class UserBusinessTest
    private IUserService _userService;

    public void StartUpIoC ()
        ServiceLocator.SetLocatorProvider(() => SimpleIoc.Default);
        SimpleIoC.Default.Register<IUserService, UserService>();
        SimpleIoC.Default.Register<IUserRepository, MockUserRepository>();

        _userService = SimpleIoC.Default.GetInstance();

    [Test ()]
    public async void AddUserTest()
        var result = await _userService.CreateUserAsync(new NewUser
                Email = "test@test.com",
                FullName = "Testy McTest"

Now we can test against any of the business logic in our application with a mock layer. The same practice can be applied to test any other layer in the solution as well. The data layer can be tested by mocking the business layer, and so on.


Looking back at all of the components of our Onion Architecture, one might think, “Wow, that’s a lot of code to do a simple task”. It’s important to remember that this architecture is not for every project. It’s focus is on scalability and testability. If your project has the potential to grow into something quite complicated, with many developers involved, this type of solution might work best for you. However, if you’re working on something quick to get out the door, maybe getting right to the point is easier and best for you.

The best parts about the Onion Architecture are its abilities to make drastic changes to tools or services used, without having to rewrite anything but that components implementation as well as making it easy to test individual layers without affecting the others or using real data. It also allows for closer monitoring and management of the codebase; keeping people from making calls directly from one layer to another. The only thing you have to emphasize is, “Are you adding a reference to another project to get something done? If so, you might be doing it wrong”.

Onionizing Xamarin Part 5

For those who just want code: https://github.com/SuavePirate/Xamarin.Onion 

Don’t forget:

  1. Part 1 on the general project structure: Onionizing Xamarin Part 1
  2. Part 2 on our Domain and Application layers: Onionizing Xamarin Part 2
  3. Part 3 on our Infrastructure layer: Onionizing Xamarin Part 3
  4. Part 4 on our Client layer and Xamarin.Forms implementation: Onionizing Xamarin Part 4

A strong and scale-able architecture is important in applications, especially in Mobile Apps. APIs and SDKs are constantly changing, new technology is constantly released, and team sizes are always changing. A solid Onion Architecture can save a development team a lot of time by making it simple to change service implementations, restrict access to certain areas, making logic flow easy to follow, and making testing isolated blocks of code easier.

Some of the important topics this will cover:

  • Separation of Concerns
  • Inversion of Control
  • Dependency Injection
  • Model-View-ViewModel
  • Testability
  • Why all these things are important

Part 5

In this section, we will look at how to expand our Inversion of Control container with platform specific code. Specifically, we will implement some pieces of the HockeyApp SDK so that we can make calls to it from our Client or Infrastructure layers.

Our example will focus on just Android, but the same principles can be applied to any of the unique platform projects.


First thing we need to do is make sure we also install the MvvmLight nuget package in your Android project, as well as the HockeyApp Xamarin package.

From here, we can go back to our Application.Interface layer and create a new service:


public interface ICrashAnalyticsService
    void Initialize();
    void GetFeedback();

Setting it up generic like this allows us to switch providers from HockeyApp to some other service should that be a need in the future.

Back in our Android project, let’s implement the ICrashAnalyticsServicewith our HockeyApp logic.


public class HockeyAppService : ICrashAnalyticsService
    private const string HOCKEYAPP_KEY = "YOUR_HOCKEYAPP_KEY";
    private readonly Android.App.Application _androidApp;
    private readonly Activity _context;
    public HockeyAppService(Activity context, Android.App.Application androidApp)
        _context = context;
        _androidApp = androidApp;
    public void GetFeedback()

    public void Initialize()
        CrashManager.Register(_context, HOCKEYAPP_KEY);
        MetricsManager.Register(_androidApp, HOCKEYAPP_KEY);
        UpdateManager.Register(_context, HOCKEYAPP_KEY);
        FeedbackManager.Register(_context, HOCKEYAPP_KEY);

Now we can create an IoCConfig class specific to our Android project. Because SimpleIoC uses a singleton for its container, we can register classes in our platform specific classes before our registrations in the Client layer.


public class AndroidIoCConfig
    public void RegisterAndroidServices(Android.App.Application application, Activity activity)
        var hockeyService = new HockeyAppService(activity, application);
        SimpleIoc.Default.Register<ICrashAnalyticsService>(() => hockeyService);

Don’t forget to add a reference to the Application.Interfaces project in your platform project.

Lastly, let’s update our MainActivity to initialize our AndroidIoCConfig before we start up the  Xamarin.Forms app:


public class MainActivity : global::Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android.FormsAppCompatActivity
    protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)
        TabLayoutResource = Resource.Layout.Tabbar;
        ToolbarResource = Resource.Layout.Toolbar;

        global::Xamarin.Forms.Forms.Init(this, bundle);
        LoadApplication(new App());

    private void InitializeIoC()
        var container = new AndroidIoCConfig();
        container.RegisterAndroidServices(Application, this);

Now we can make calls to our ICrashAnalyticsService from the Client layer, and use the Android specific logic. For example, we can pass the ICrashAnalyticsService into the constructor of a ViewModel, and call the GetFeedback() method to get access to the HockeyApp Feedback view.


public class ExampleViewModel : BasePageViewModel
    private readonly ICrashAnalyticsService _crashAnalyticsService;
    private ICommand _feedbackCommand;

    public ICommand FeedbackCommand
            return _feedbackCommand ??
                (_feedbackCommand = new RelayCommand(() =>

It’s all that simple! The same pattern can be applied to anything that needs to be platform specific.

What’s Next

In the next and final segment, we will look at building mock implementation of our Infrastructure layer and using them to test layers individually in Unit tests.

Next: Onionizing Xamarin Part 6

Onionizing Xamarin Part 4

For those who just want code: https://github.com/SuavePirate/Xamarin.Onion 

Don’t forget:

  1. Part 1 on the general project structure: Onionizing Xamarin Part 1
  2. Part 2 on our Domain and Application layers: Onionizing Xamarin Part 2
  3. Part 3 on our Infrastructure layer: Onionizing Xamarin Part 3

A strong and scale-able architecture is important in applications, especially in Mobile Apps. APIs and SDKs are constantly changing, new technology is constantly released, and team sizes are always changing. A solid Onion Architecture can save a development team a lot of time by making it simple to change service implementations, restrict access to certain areas, making logic flow easy to follow, and making testing isolated blocks of code easier.

Some of the important topics this will cover:

  • Separation of Concerns
  • Inversion of Control
  • Dependency Injection
  • Model-View-ViewModel
  • Testability
  • Why all these things are important

Part 4

In this section, we will look at the code for our actual Xamarin.Forms client implementation along with talking about building other Non-Xamarin clients into our solution, and sharing as much code between them as possible. This are our Client layer, and will include setting up our Views, ViewModels, IoC container, and start up process.

Client Layer

First thing is first, let’s build our ViewModels. These ViewModels are going to interface with our Application layer by making calls to our defined Service Interfaces that will be injected into the constructors of our ViewModels.

Some things to note: We are using MVVM Light in this example to make our MVVM and IoC easier to get going. So things such as the ViewModelBase class and the Set() method are coming from that library. You can choose to utilize a different library, or roll your own pretty easily. In either case, the principles are the same.

Let’s first abstract some universal properties into a BasePageViewModel.cs

public class BasePageViewModel : ViewModelBase
    private bool _isLoading;
    private bool _isEnabled;
    private string _title;
    private ObservableCollection<string> _errors;

    public bool IsLoading
            return _isLoading;
            Set(() => IsLoading, ref _isLoading, value);
    public bool IsEnabled
            return _isEnabled;
            Set(() => IsEnabled, ref _isEnabled, value);
    public ObservableCollection<string> Errors
            return _errors;
            Set(() => Errors, ref _errors, value);

    public string Title
            return _title;
            Set(() => Title, ref _title, value);
    public BasePageViewModel()
        IsEnabled = true;
        IsLoading = false;

    public override void Cleanup()
        Errors = null;


From here let’s make a ViewModel for each of our pages (in this example, we will just look at one “MainPage”)


public class MainPageViewModel : BaseViewModel
    private readonly IUserService _userService;
    private string _bodyTitle;
    private string _bodyText;
    public string BodyTitle
            return _bodyTitle;
            Set(() => BodyTitle, ref _bodyTitle, value);

    public string BodyText
            return _bodyText;
            Set(() => BodyText, ref _bodyText, value);

    private async void Initialize()
        IsLoading = true;
        await Task.Delay(2000); // simulate load time
        var users = await _userService.GetValidUsers();
        if(users?.Data == null || users.Data.Count() == 0)
            var user = await _userService.CreateUserAsync(new NewUser
                FullName = "Felipe Fancybottom",
                Email = "feffancy@fancybottoms.com"

            BodyText = user.Data.Email;
            BodyTitle = user.Data.FullName;
            BodyText = users.Data.First().Email;
            BodyTitle = users.Data.First().FullName;
        IsLoading = false;

    public MainPageViewModel(IUserService userService)
        _userService = userService;

        Title = "Onion Template";
        BodyTitle = "Loading Name";
        BodyText = "Loading Email";

Notice how we injected the IUserService in the constructor, and use that to lazy load some data into our bindable properties. When we create our view and set the BindingContext to this ViewModel, we will see the UI automatically update when those do. This example does it async right from the constructor, but you can load your data and set up your initial properties any way you’d like.

The next step is to initialize our Inversion of Control, Dependency Injection, and ViewModelLocator to tie all our layers together and allow us to automatically set the BindingContext of our Page.

If it makes sense to you, you can break the IoC set up into a separate project that references all the previous layers. For the sake of simplicity, we are going to do it in the same project as our Xamarin.Forms project.


public class IoCConfig
    public IoCConfig()
        ServiceLocator.SetLocatorProvider(() => SimpleIoc.Default);

    public void RegisterViewModels()

    public void RegisterRepositories()
        SimpleIoc.Default.Register<IUserRepository, UserRepository>(); // this is where you would change the registration to use a different repository

    public void RegisterServices()
        SimpleIoc.Default.Register<IUserService, UserService>();

    public void RegisterProviders()
        SimpleIoc.Default.Register<IUserDataProvider, UserDataProvider>();
        SimpleIoc.Default.Register<ICloudStorageProvider, AzureStorageDataProvider>(); // this is where you would change the registration to use a different provider

    public void RegisterStores()
        SimpleIoc.Default.Register<IUserStore, UserStore>();
        SimpleIoc.Default.Register<IStoreManager, StoreManager>();

The purpose of this class is to wire up our dependencies as well as our actual container for the ServiceLocator. This example is using SimpleIoc which is packaged with MVVM Light.

Now that we have our other layers glued together, we just need to create our ViewModelLocator to automatically handle our bindings, then make calls to the IoCConfig when the ViewModelLocator is initialized.


public class ViewModelLocator
    public MainPageViewModel MainPage
            return ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<MainPageViewModel >();
    public ViewModelLocator()
        var iocConfig = new IoCConfig();

In our constructor, we initialize our IoC, and also provide properties for each of our ViewModels, so that we can bind it easily in our XAML.

The last two steps here are to add a Resource in our App.xaml to our ViewModelLocator, and create our Page.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Application xmlns="http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2009/xaml" x:Class="OnionTemplate.App">
        <!-- Application resource dictionary -->
                <vm:ViewModelLocator xmlns:vm="clr-namespace:NAMESPACEOF.VIEWMODELLOCATOR;assembly=YOURPACKAGENAME" x:Key="Locator" />

Now that we have our resource, let’s create our page and wire up the BindingContext in our XAML.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ContentPage xmlns="http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2009/xaml" x:Class="NAMESPACE.MainPage" BindingContext="{Binding Source={StaticResource Locator}, Path=Main}" Title="{Binding Title}">
        <StackLayout Orientation="Vertical" HorizontalOptions="Center" VerticalOptions="Center">
            <Label Text="{Binding BodyTitle}"/>
            <Label Text="{Binding BodyText}"/>
            <ActivityIndicator IsRunning="True" IsVisible="{Binding IsLoading}"/>

There is nothing required to write in our code behind (MainPage.xaml.cs) since it is all automatically wired up.

Last but not least, set our page in our App.xaml.cs:


public partial class App : Xamarin.Forms.Application
    public App()

        MainPage = new NavigationPage(new MainPage());

At this point, we should be able to run the application (assuming that the Xamarin.Forms app is started off in each platform the way the template sets it up).

So we have our Xamarin.Forms implementation. But what about other applications that can’t use Xamarin.Forms? Web apps? Xamarin.Mac apps? Cloud apps? WPF?

Here is one of the coolest parts of the entire Onion pattern. We can go ahead and add more projects into our Client layer. These layers can use the same models, interfaces, and in some cases, implementations! For projects where we would need completely different logic, such as a Web App for example, we can implement multiple versions of the Domain and Application layers.

In our web app, we could create another project in the Infrastructure layer (say Infrastructure.WebData) that uses Entity Framework and SQL. Then in our IoCConfig of our Web App, we call to register our Infrastructure.WebData implementations for our Domain.Interfaces.

As long as each project in the Client layer serves the same purpose of configuring Views, and starting up our application with our Inversion of Control, any type of application can live here and follow the same pattern.

The Client layer can also contain abstractions of controls or other utilities that can be referenced by the core Client projects.

What’s Next

In the next segment, we will look at how to integrate our individual mobile platforms, and how to inject custom platform-specific code with some examples using the HockeyApp SDK.


Next: Onionizing Xamarin Part 5

Onionizing Xamarin Part 3

For those who just want code: https://github.com/SuavePirate/Xamarin.Onion 

Don’t forget:

  1. Part 1 on the general project structure: Onionizing Xamarin Part 1
  2. Part 2 on our Domain and Application layers: Onionizing Xamarin Part 2

A strong and scale-able architecture is important in applications, especially in Mobile Apps. APIs and SDKs are constantly changing, new technology is constantly released, and team sizes are always changing. A solid Onion Architecture can save a development team a lot of time by making it simple to change service implementations, restrict access to certain areas, making logic flow easy to follow, and making testing isolated blocks of code easier.

Some of the important topics this will cover:

  • Separation of Concerns
  • Inversion of Control
  • Dependency Injection
  • Model-View-ViewModel
  • Testability
  • Why all these things are important

Part 3

In this section, we’ll start to dive into the code for our infrastructure layers (or at least what is important), including our business logic and data logic.

Let’s dive into the data layer.


This layer is our actual implementation of our Domain definitions, so we are going to implement things such as our Repositories, DataProviders, Stores, or anything else that interacts with our data directly.

From our previous post we defined our IGenericStore + IUserStore and our IGenericRepository + IUserRepository, so now let’s implement them.

GenericStore.cs and UserStore.cs

public class GenericStore<T> : IGenericStore<T>
    public List<T> Data { get; set; }
    public GenericStore()
        Data = new List<T>();

public class UserStore : GenericStore<User>, IUserStore

For the sake of just testing data, our store just contains a collection of data, however, this is where you could implement an observable collection, or more complex data types as well.

Now a look at the repositories – Our implementation of our repository is just going to use in-memory storage, but this is a place where you could implement SqlLite, Azure Mobile Tables, or local file storage instead. You could implement all of these easily and just switch out in your UserRepository which one it inherits! That’s one of the biggest bonuses of our Onion Architecture. The github repository demonstrates this well: https://github.com/SuavePirate/Xamarin.Onion/blob/master/src/OnionTemplate/OnionTemplate.Infrastructure.Data/Repositories/UserRepository.cs

GenericMemoryRepository.cs and UserRepository.cs

public class GenericMemoryRepository<T> : IGenericRepository<T>
    private readonly IStoreManager _storeManager;
    public GenericMemoryRepository(IStoreManager storeManager)
        _storeManager = storeManager;
    public void Add(T entity)

    public void AddRange(IEnumerable<T> entities)

    public Task CommitAsync()
        return Task.FromResult(false); // we don't need to explicitly save changes

    public Task<T> FindAsync(Func<T, bool> predicate)
        var entity = _storeManager.Set<T>().Data.Where(predicate).FirstOrDefault();
    return Task.FromResult(entity);

    public Task<IEnumerable<T>> GetAsync(Func<T, bool> predicate)
        var entities = _storeManager.Set<T>()?.Data?.Where(predicate);
        return Task.FromResult(entities);

    public void Remove(T entity)

    public void RemoveRange(T entities)


public class UserRepository : GenericMemoryRepository<User>, IUserRepository
    public UserRepository(IStoreManager manager)
    : base(manager)

That’s all we need to define for our data  layer for now. Next let’s look at our business logic layer and how it interacts with the data layer through references to our domain interfaces.


Our business layer is our implementation of our Application layer. So we are going to implement the IBaseService and IUserService we defined in the previous segment:

IBaseService.cs and IUserService.cs

public class BaseService : IBaseService
    public BaseService()

    public IEnumerable<string> Validate(object model)
        if(model == null)
            return new List<string> { "Empty model received" };
        return null;

public class UserService : BaseService, IUserService
    private readonly IUserRepository _userRepository;
    public UserService(IUserRepository userRepository)
        _userRepository = userRepository;
    public async Task<Result<UserTransferObject>> CreateUserAsync(NewUser model)
        var errors = Validate(model);
        if (errors == null)
            var entity = model.ToUser();
            await _userRepository.CommitAsync();

            return new Result<UserTransferObject>(new UserTransferObject(entity));
        return new Result<UserTransferObject>(ResultType.Invalid, errors);

    public async Task<Result<UserTransferObject>> FindByIdAsync(int userId)
        var entity = await _userRepository.FindAsync(user => user.Id == userId);
        if (entity == null)
            return new Result<UserTransferObject>(ResultType.Failed, "Could not find user with this Id");
        return new Result<UserTransferObject>(new UserTransferObject(entity));

    public async Task<Result<UserTransferObject>> RemoveByIdAsync(int userId)
        var entity = await _userRepository.FindAsync(user => user?.Id == userId);
        if (entity == null)
            return new Result<UserTransferObject>(ResultType.Failed, "Could not find user with this Id");
        await _userRepository.CommitAsync();
        return new Result<UserTransferObject>(new UserTransferObject(entity));

    public async Task<Result<IEnumerable<UserTransferObject>>> GetValidUsers()
        var entities = await _userRepository.GetAsync(user =>         !string.IsNullOrEmpty(user?.Email));
        return new Result<IEnumerable<UserTransferObject>>(entities?.Select(entity => new UserTransferObject(entity)));

The biggest thing to point out is how the constructor for our UserService takes in an IUserRepository. Later we will set up our IoC container and inject our actual UserService so that the logic ties together. Doing this allows us to avoid referencing the Infrastructure.Data layer in our Infrastructure.Business layer which gives us full Separation of Concerns in our layers.

What’s Next

In the next segment, we’ll talk about implementing our Xamarin.Forms application, setting up our Inversion of Control and Dependency Injection, and tying it all together.

We’ll also look at each of our different platforms and talk about how we can utilize them without using Xamarin.Forms.

Finally, in the last segment, we will talk about how to truly utilize the Onion Architecture to test, pull, and change important pieces of our application without having to touch anything else.


Check out Part 4 to look at the Client Layer

Organized Architecture for a Cross-Platform SignalR Application

SignalR is a great tool for keeping not only your web applications synced in real-time, but with it’s easy to use APIs for clients, it is perfect for use in your mobile applications.

I have some previous posts that are going to help in designing the of an architecture for a cross-platform implementation with SignalR. Take a look at these:

In this scenario, we are going to focus on two major layers of separation within our applications, although you can always add more layers of abstraction if that is your style or preference. Our two layers are the Portable Class Library and Native Client Libraries. This example is going to be using one PCL with all of our shared code, and then individual projects for Windows Phone 8.1, Windows 8.1, Xamarin.iOS, and Xamarin.Android.

The Portable Class Library

In this architecture, we want to focus on sharing as much code as possible. This implies that the only code that should not be in our PCL is code that includes the UI (Note we are not using Xamarin.Forms), updates the UI, or accesses the device’s native features (cameras, location, etc). This would include things such as ViewModels if you’re using the MVVM pattern (this example is using MVVM Light), Models, Web Request Logic, and even our SignalR Managers.
With that in mind, here are some nuget packages to consider for your PCL:

So let’s get started with a simple BaseHubManager to manage our connections. I’m going to follow a basic Inheritance pattern for these managers so that we can share as much of our SignalR code in our Base Manager as possible.


  public class BaseHubManager
        public HubConnection Connection{ get; set; }
        public IHubProxy Proxy { get; set; }

        // The empty constructor should only be used for a basic connection with no specific Hub
        public BaseHubManager()
            Connection= new HubConnection(Constants.BaseUrl);

        // Connect to specific Hub
        public BaseHubManager(string hubProxy)
            Connection= new HubConnection(Constants.BaseUrl);
            Connection.Headers.Add(&quot;Authorization&quot;, string.Format(&quot;Bearer {0}&quot;, App.CurrentUser.TokenInfo.AccessToken)); //add access token to authorize
            Proxy = Connection.CreateHubProxy(hubProxy);

        public async Task Start()
            await _connection.Start(new LongPollingTransport());
            //Add additional shared Start logic

        public void Stop()
             //Add additional shared Stop logic

        public virtual async void Connect()
            await this.Start();
            //Add additional shared Connect logic

Now that we have a solid base, we can easily spin up individual Hub managers to connect to specific Hubs. Below is an example of a HubManager that would connect to the “ChatHub” on your server.


 public class ChatHubManager : BaseHubManager
        public ObservableCollection&lt;string&gt; Messages{ get; set; }

        public ChatHubManager ()
            : base(&quot;ChatHub&quot;)
        // Send new message to ChatHub
        public async Task&lt;string&gt; Create(string newMessage)
            //establish connection
            await this.Start();

            var message= await Proxy.Invoke&lt;string&gt;(&quot;Create&quot;, newMessage);

            return message;

        // Get all messages from ChatHub
        public async Task&lt;IEnumerable&lt;string&gt;&gt; Get()
            //establish connection
            await this.Start();

            var messages = await Proxy.Invoke&lt;IEnumerable&lt;string&gt;&gt;(&quot;Get&quot;));

            Messages = new ObservableCollection&lt;string&gt;(messages);
            return messages;



Expanding new HubManagers like this one make it very easy to call server-side methods from our client by simply creating an instance of our Manager and calling our Invoking methods:

var manager = new ChatManager();
var messages = await manager.Get();

Now what about the other side of SignalR – Client methods? There are some things to consider. Most importantly, will your client end points update anything in the UI? This also includes updating ViewModel properties that will cause updates in the UI.
The problem is that the client end point listeners don’t stem from any sort of UI action the way that calling a server method might. Thus, it can’t run on the UI thread by itself and you would likely run into some sort of Threading Exception.

If you don’t need to update the UI at any point from your client listener, consider adding your listeners in your manager with something like this:

public ChatHubManager ()
    : base(&quot;ChatHub&quot;)
        Proxy.On&lt;string&gt;(&quot;newMessage&quot;, async data =&gt;
            //Do something that is NOT on the UI thread

One thing that SignalR does wonderfully is give you the ability to add these listeners from anywhere. That includes from your individual client projects that reference your PCL. So, let’s look at how to add these kind of requests to our client projects so we can update our UIs.

The Individual Client Projects

Let’s use a Windows Phone 8.1 project as our example, although the same logic can be applied to any type of project. So we need to add our client listener like we did above, but we also need it to make changes to our UI, which will require tapping into our UI thread. For this case, let’s add a ChatSignalingManager to our Windows Phone project that contains a reference to our ChatHubManager in our PCL above:

 public class ChatSignalingManager
        private ChatHubManager _hubManager;
        private CoreDispatcher _dispatcher;
        public ChatSignalingManager (CoreDispatcher dispatcher)
            _hubManager= new ChatHubManager ();
            _dispatcher = dispatcher;

       //Add client end points for the ChatHubManager
        private void InitializeChatEndpoints()
            var newMessage = _hubManager.Proxy.On&lt;string&gt;(&quot;newMessage&quot;, async data =&gt;
                await _dispatcher.RunAsync(Windows.UI.Core.CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () =&gt;
                        // process your UI changes here

           // Add additional end points for the ChatHub here


Notice the biggest difference in how we handle our end point in our client project versus our PCL. The Dispatcher. In this case, we can pass Windows CoreDispatcher to our constructor, and by calling _dispatcher.RunAsync we are able to execute our process on our UI thread to successfully run code against our UI.

Here is an example of constructing the ChatSignalingManager from the MainPage of a Windows Phone app:

public sealed partial class MainPage : Page

    private ChatSignalingManager _signalingManager;
    public MainPage()

        this.NavigationCacheMode = NavigationCacheMode.Required;
        _signalingManager = new ChatSignalingManager (Dispatcher);



Hopefully that is enough code to get you started, but feel free to ask more questions in the comments. Just remember to share as much code as possible in your PCL and use your Client Projects to handle updates to your UI and also to utilize SignalR’s flexibility and versatility.