[Video Series] Xamarin.Tips: Calling Platform-Specific Code from a PCL

Learn how to use 4 methods to call platform specific code from shared code in Xamarin. Make calls to the HockeyApp iOS SDK from a Portable Class Library.

  1. Singleton Method
  2. Xamarin.Forms Dependency Service
  3. Service Locator
  4. Dependency Injection


Source Code: https://github.com/SuavePirate/Xamarin.HockeyApp.Portable 

[VIDEO] Xamarin.Tips: Calling Platform-Specific Code from a PCL (All 4 Methods)

Using all 4 methods to call platform specific code from shared code in Xamarin. Make calls to the HockeyApp iOS SDK from a Portable Class Library.


Source Code: https://github.com/SuavePirate/Xamarin.HockeyApp.Portable 

[VIDEO] Xamarin.Tips: Calling Platform-Specific Code from a PCL (Dependency Injection)

Using Dependency Injection to call platform specific code from shared code in Xamarin. Make calls to the HockeyApp iOS SDK from a Portable Class Library.


Source Code: https://github.com/SuavePirate/Xamarin.HockeyApp.Portable 

[VIDEO] Xamarin.Tips: Calling Platform-Specific Code from a PCL (Service Locator {anti}Pattern)

Using the Service Locator anti-pattern to call platform specific code from shared code in Xamarin. Make calls to the HockeyApp iOS SDK from a Portable Class Library.


Source Code: https://github.com/SuavePirate/Xamarin.HockeyApp.Portable 

[VIDEO] Xamarin.Tips: Calling Platform-Specific Code from a PCL (Xamarin.Forms DependencyService)


Using the Xamarin.Forms DependencyService class to call platform specific code from shared code in Xamarin. Make calls to the HockeyApp iOS SDK from a Portable Class Library.


Source Code: https://github.com/SuavePirate/Xamarin.HockeyApp.Portable 

[VIDEO] Xamarin.Tips: Calling Platform-Specific Code from a PCL (Singleton Method)


Source Code: https://github.com/SuavePirate/Xamarin.HockeyApp.Portable