Xamarin.Tips – Xamarin.Forms Android Custom TableView Section Titles

Xamarin.Forms’ TableView is a really useful control for displaying static content. However, it has some shortfalls. The one we will look at today is customizing the Section Title.

If you are looking for this solution on iOS, check it out here: Xamarin.Tips – Xamarin.Forms iOS Custom TableView Section Titles

Before reading ahead, I would suggest looking at your solution and assessing whether or not your TableView could be easily replaced by a ListView. I want to point this out, because ListViews have more flexibility for GroupHeader and allow you to put any control in there without having to leave your happy place that is XAML.

If that isn’t the case, keep reading; Let’s look at some simple custom renderers that can solve this problem for Android specifically.

First, let’s create a custom view that inherits TableView:


 public partial class ColoredTableView : TableView
        public static BindableProperty GroupHeaderColorProperty = BindableProperty.Create("GroupHeaderColor", typeof(Color), typeof(ColoredTableView), Color.White);
        public Color GroupHeaderColor
                return (Color)GetValue(GroupHeaderColorProperty);
                SetValue(GroupHeaderColorProperty, value);

        public ColoredTableView()

Now we can create our Android renderer:


[assembly: ExportRenderer(typeof(ColoredTableView), typeof(ColoredTableViewRenderer))]
    public class ColoredTableViewRenderer : TableViewRenderer
        protected override TableViewModelRenderer GetModelRenderer(Android.Widget.ListView listView, TableView view)
            return new CustomHeaderTableViewModelRenderer(Context, listView, view);

        private class CustomHeaderTableViewModelRenderer : TableViewModelRenderer
            private readonly ColoredTableView _coloredTableView;

            public CustomHeaderTableViewModelRenderer(Context context, Android.Widget.ListView listView, TableView view) : base(context, listView, view)
                _coloredTableView = view as ColoredTableView;

            public override Android.Views.View GetView(int position, Android.Views.View convertView, ViewGroup parent)
                var view = base.GetView(position, convertView, parent);

                var element = GetCellForPosition(position);

                // section header will be a TextCell
                if (element.GetType() == typeof(TextCell))
                        // Get the textView of the actual layout
                        var textView = ((((view as LinearLayout).GetChildAt(0) as LinearLayout).GetChildAt(1) as LinearLayout).GetChildAt(0) as TextView);

                        // get the divider below the header
                        var divider = (view as LinearLayout).GetChildAt(1);

                        // Set the color
                        textView.TextAlignment = Android.Views.TextAlignment.Center;
                        textView.Gravity = GravityFlags.CenterHorizontal;
                    catch (Exception) { }

                return view;

Similar to the iOS solution, the important part is our override of GetView. What we are doing here is getting a reference to the inner child native views of our section header (why we check against the type and TextCell). Then we get our actual android TextView and the LinearLayout which is the divider below the header. From there we can change the properties of the views however we prefer. The default behavior of these views are to take the AccentColor from the android styles and use them as the BackgroundColor of the divider and the TextColor of the TextView.

If you like what you see, don’t forget to follow me on twitter @Suave_Pirate, check out my GitHub, and subscribe to my blog to learn more mobile developer tips and tricks!

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