Clean Up Your Client to Business Logic Relationship With a Result Pattern (C#)

If you’ve been developing well structured and scalable code bases, you probably focus a whole lot on your “Separation of Concerns”. Maybe you implement a design pattern or code architectures like SOLID, Clean, or Onion to enforce some stricter rules around those separations.

In the .NET world, we use a lot of Inversion of Control and Dependency Injection. Especially in ASP.NET Core. However, I find that a lot of implementations are still missing one big separation – error handling.

The most common case I see in a decently structured application is:

  • Controller injects a service
  • Service runs business logic
  • On error, service throws exception
  • Controller exposes that an error happened via catching exception

One problem I have with this is that the Controller is now handling some business logic by managing the error. So what is my proposal? Handle your business logic errors / validation and expose the result of that logic, whether successful or with errors, to the controller that then determines the proper HTTP Response Code and message to return based on the type of result.

This is often just called the Result Pattern but I think it goes beyond this concept when wrapping it up into something like CLEAN or Onion. So, I often refer to it as the Service Result Pattern. I typically employ this pattern in all of my applications – back end and front end alike.

Here is what it looks like in C#. We want to create a Result object that our business logic will return to our Controller, ViewModel, View, etc. Samples here will be referring to an ASP.NET Core 2.1 RESTful API implementation, but the pattern can be applied everywhere.

So we need:
– Result classes
– A controller that returns IActionResult
– A business logic class that returns a Result
– Validation and error handling logic

The Result Model

I’ve created a NuGet package for these Result models if you want to use those, but these are the essentials duplicated here if you want to do it yourself. The package can be found here:


First we want an abstract Result class that contains the data, errors, and the type. Then we can create child types that can make the typing of our results stronger.


public abstract class Result<T>
    public abstract ResultType ResultType { get; }
    public abstract List<string> Errors { get; }
    public abstract T Data { get; }


public enum ResultType

The idea is that for each one of these result types, we should have a strongly typed implementation. Here are a few examples of the most commonly used ones.


public class InvalidResult<T> : Result<T>
    private string _error;
    public InvalidResult(string error)
        _error = error;
    public override ResultType ResultType => ResultType.Invalid;

    public override List<string> Errors => new List<string> { _error ?? "The input was invalid." };

    public override T Data => default(T);


public class UnexpectedResult<T> : Result<T>
    public override ResultType ResultType => ResultType.Unexpected;

    public override List<string> Errors => new List<string> { "There was an unexpected problem" };

    public override T Data => default(T);


public class SuccessResult<T> : Result<T>
    private readonly T _data;
    public SuccessResult(T data)
        _data = data;
    public override ResultType ResultType => ResultType.Ok;

    public override List<string> Errors => new List<string>();

    public override T Data => _data;

Notice how the only one that implements Data as anything other than default(T) is the SuccessResult. This guarantees us our data is consistent based on the result type and we can instead use different error types to map the proper error messages, ResultType, etc.

Using the Result in Business Logic

Let’s take a look at a sample of how we can use these models in our business logic to house all our success and error logic.


public class MyService : IMyService
    private readonly IMyRepository _repository;
    private readonly IPermissionService _permissions;

    public MyService (IMyRepository repository, IPermissionService permissions)
        _repository = repository;
        _permissions = permissions;

    public async Task<Result<MyDTO>> GetSomethingAsync(string id)
                return new InvalidResult<MyDTO>("Invalid ID");

            var hasPermission = await _permissions.HasPermissionsToDoSomethingAsync();
                return new AccessDeniedResult<MyDTO>();

            var myData = await _repository.FindAsync(id);
            if(myData == null)
                return new NotFoundResult<MyDTO>();

            return new SuccessResult<MyDTO>(new MyDTO(myData));
        catch(Exception ex)
            return new UnexpectedResult<MyDTO>();

This shows how we can use our different Result classes to step through our business logic in a very flat easy to follow and read way while still managing errors consistently.

Build an IActionResult from a Result

Once we have a Result returned, we want to give our controller the ability to map the type and data to the proper HTTP response. Doing this ensures that our Controller is only responsible for HTTP related logic, and not for business logic.

I’ve done this in the past with either a BaseController or with an extension method. If you want a simple extension method, check out my other NuGet package for it:


Here’s what that method would look like:


public static ActionResult FromResult<T>(this ControllerBase controller, Result<T> result)
    switch (result.ResultType)
        case ResultType.Ok:
            return controller.Ok(result.Data);
        case ResultType.NotFound:
            return controller.NotFound(result.Errors);
        case ResultType.Invalid:
            return controller.BadRequest(result.Errors);
        case ResultType.Unexpected:
            return controller.BadRequest(result.Errors);
        case ResultType.Unauthorized:
            return controller.Unauthorized();
            throw new Exception("An unhandled result has occurred as a result of a service call.");

With this, our Controller methods can be made extremely clean. Here’s an example:


public class MyController : Controller
    private readonly IMyService _service;
    public MyController(IMyService service)
        _service = service;

    public async Task<IActionResult> GetSomethingAsync(string id)
        var result = await _service.GetSomethingAsync(id);
        return this.FromResult(result);

Assuming our _service.GetSomethingAsync() returns a Task we can keep all our endpoints clean and only responsible for being a gateway to our application logic! So clean 😀


All together, we are able to ensure our error logic lives within our application/business logic and that our Controllers are able to worry just about the HTTP side of things. We do a better job at separating our concerns, we keep our business logic flat and easy to follow, and we provide our consumers of our application easy to follow data and errors by ensuring we return the proper HTTP responses and structures.

If you like what you see, don’t forget to follow me on twitter @Suave_Pirate, check out my GitHub, and subscribe to my blog to learn more mobile developer tips and tricks!

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